MusicaFemina und das Gender Equality Symposium in Strasbourg – Musica Femina

MusicaFemina und das Gender Equality Symposium in Strasbourg

I am glad to be invited to Strasbourg: a three Day seminar in July 2023 on


I am extremely looking forward to learn about best practice Examples in Europe, about tools and measures to gain a gender balanced music life, to meeting all men and women who are working on a Gender Balanced music life.

This is the agenda: ​

  • Outline and analyze the situation and the stakes involved at the European level
  • Identify European partners and create a network
  • Define objectives, projects, and means of joint action among possible partners
  • Identify and study possible sources of funding in Europe

We are late, even later than others literature, film and arts, however: I feel much energy and will to change the world!

Irene Suchy

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